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Microplastics – A Pollutant of Concern

Robert Carline, Atlas Workgroup Member

Robert Carline

member of the Spring Creek Watershed Atlas Work Group

The information in the following article was taken largely from an article by Dr. Sherri Mason, which can be accessed through: and from an article by Faran Savitz, which is duplicated below.

Plastic products are everywhere. They are quite useful, nearly indestructible,

inexpensive, and they constitute a large portion of our solid wastes. In 2017 worldwide

production of plastics was about 440 million tons. About two-thirds of these products

were discarded, only 10% were recycled and about 15% ended up in solid waste

disposals. Unlike organic wastes that are subjected to microbial breakdown, plastics

are not affected by micro-organisms. But, plastic will degrade to some extent and

eventually end up as microscopic particles. Breakdown products include films,

fragments, fibers, and beads – collectively named microplastics.

These microplastics are a concern, because they are found in freshwater and

marine systems throughout the world and can be found in the atmosphere. These tiny

particles can be taken up by plants and then consumed by animals and humans.

Microplastics are frequently found in drinking water supplies and even in bottled water.

Perhaps it is not surprising that microplastics have even been found in human fetuses.

In aquatic systems, microplastics are taken up by microscopic plants and animals and

then passed up through the food chain, thereby reaching higher concentrations with

each successive consumption. This process is known as bioaccumulation.

Mason (2019) found microplastics in surface waters throughout the Great Lakes,

with the highest concentrations in Lake Ontario, which is the farthest downstream lake.

Savitz (2021) collected water samples from 53 surface water sites throughout

Pennsylvania and found microplastics at all sites (see article below). In the Spring

Creek watershed, samples from Buffalo Run, Slab Cabin Run, and Cedar Run had

numbers of microplastics well above the median value and samples from the mainstem

of Spring Creek had large numbers of microplastics, ranking 51 among the 53 statewide


Clearly, we have moderately high concentrations of microplastics in our surface

waters. Should we be concerned? There is evidence that microplastics have negative

effects on aquatic animals and studies with mice demonstrated enflamed intestines and

reduced sperm count (Lim 2021). However, negative effects of microplastics on

humans have not been documented. Scientists suggest that potentially negative effects

on humans could result from exposure to toxic chemicals associated with microplastics.

Major sources of microplastics to surface waters are urban and agricultural

runoff. The good news is several local conservation groups and government

organizations are continually working to reduce runoff in the Spring Creek watershed.

In addition to reducing runoff, we all can reduce our reliance on single-use plastics and

purchase products that are not made with plastic. Savitz (2021) suggests we

encourage our legislators to support public policies aimed at reducing use of plastics.

Lim, XiaoZhi. 2021. Microplastics are everywhere — but are they harmful? Nature News Feature 04 May 2021.
Mason, S. 2019. Plastics, plastics everywhere. American Scientist 107-284-287.
Panno, S. V., and 7 others. 2019. Microplastic contamination in karst groundwater systems. Groundwater 57:189-196.
Savitz, F. 2021. Microplastics in Pennsylvania - A survey of waterways. PennEnvironment Research and Policy Center.


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