Classroom Materials
After completing a DCNR workshop, educators can implement hands-on watershed curriculum with their students. DCNR can even provide loaner water testing equipment when needed.
Lesson plans developed with the Stone Valley Charter School for a 9-week intensive watershed study on Standing Stone Creek.
Lesson plans and activities published by the Council for Environmental Education that teaches concepts on ecology, political and social perspective on ecology and how to sustain ecological resources.
Lesson plans, worksheets, scientist interviews and macroinvertebrate keys developed by educators and watershed experts.
Lesson plans, projects, resources and education programs for K-12 students.
Watershed Curriculum

The WATER Project
Lesson plans developed by Clearwater Conservancy and Penns Valley Conservation district to engage students during field trips.

Online Resources
An EPA search engine for watersheds
An EPA website that details the many factors involved in watershed management.
An EPA website that outlines ecosystem services provided by waterways and resources for waterway assessments.
Information on the water cycle, watershed flooding and the great lakes.
Additional Resources
A datasheet for sampling depth, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and plankton.
An informative groundwater article appropriate for highschoolers.
A datasheet for classifying stream quality