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Introduction to Water Quality in the Spring Creek Watershed
Beginning in 1999 monitoring of stream and spring water quality was initiated by the Spring Creek Watershed Association to provide data...

New Zealand Mudsnail in Spring Creek
Pennsylvania is facing increasing problems with incursions of aquatic invasive species (AIS). One of the most recent invaders is New...

Stormwater on the Urban Landscape
Stormwater is excess rain or snowmelt that floods the land surface. On an open undisturbed landscape most rainwater soaks into the...

Demographics of the Spring Creek Watershed
Centre County continues to grow with each U.S. Census. This growth is reflected in a 12% population increase from the 2000 Census which...
Growth and Water
From the standpoint of water, this is an unlikely place for a city of 100,000 people. Water is the resource that limits local population...

Sustainability of Trout Fishery
The following article has been condensed from the publication “The Fishery of Spring Creek – A Watershed Under Siege” by Robert F....

Preserving Open Spaces
The natural beauty of the Spring Creek Watershed's landscape is increasingly transfigured by development. Its rural character, reflecting...
Critical Water Planning Area Designation
The Pennsylvania State Water Plan defined a Critical Water Planning Area (CWPA) as: “Any significant hydrologic unit where existing or...

Potentially Stressed Area Designation
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC), in its 2005 Groundwater Management Plan, showed Potentially Stressed Areas on this map on...
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